Diversified STORYBOX Sydney

Join us in viewing outputs from the latest Diversified project. The research continues the development of a pluriversal community-led participatory framework for inclusive design. In this project our goal is to evaluate and communicate the impact of public space media to community stakeholders, government, and industry groups. In co-design workshops held at UNSW, we deployed this framework as a case study while collaborating with neurodivergent participants to create compelling audio-visual content, in the form of digital stories. The project is a partnership with Esem Projects and uses their public space media platform STORYBOX, as part of cultural programming aimed at re-activating public spaces post-COVID19.

Through this project, we are not only advancing new models for valuing public space media but also addressing digital inclusion for neurodivergent communities, promoting public awareness of, and engagement with neurodiversity. The results of the co-design workshops will be showcased on STORYBOX at Customs House, Sydney CBD on April 17 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, giving participants a chance to share their work with the wider community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of a positive change and create a more inclusive society for all.