IA/MHDCD Publications

Stubbs, J., Russell. S, Baldry, E., Brown, D., Cunneen, C., & Schwartz, M. (2023) Rethinking Community Sanctions: Social Justice and Penal Control, Leeds: Emerald. Ch7 Groups vulnerable to Penal Control

Goldson, B., Cunneen, C., Russell, S., Brown, D., Baldry, E., Schwartz, M., & Briggs, D. (2021) Youth Justice and Penality in Comparative Context, Abington UK: Routledge. Ch6 The Disabling effects of youth justice and penality

Cunneen, C., Baldry, E., Brown, D., Brown, M., Schwartz, M. and A. Steel 2013 Penal culture and hyperincarceration: the revival of the prison, Abington UK: Routledge.

Dowse, L. (2020) 'Reconciling Cognitive Disability and Corrosive Social Disadvantage: Identity, Transgression and Debility', in C. Spivakovsky, L. Steele, & P. Weller The Legacies of Institutionalisation: Disability, law and policy in the 'deinstitutionalised' community, Oxford: Hart Publishing, Chapter 10.

Baldry, E. (2018) ‘Rights of Persons with Disability not to be Criminalised’, in E. Stanley (ed) Human Rights and Incarceration: Critical Explorations, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 53-77. 

McCausland, R., McEntyre, E & Baldry, E. (2018) ‘Institutions of Default and Management: Aboriginal Women with Mental and Cognitive Disability in Prison’, in A. Mills and K. Kendall (eds) Mental Health in Prisons, London: Palgrave Macmillan,185-210.

Baldry, E. (2017) ‘People with multiple and complex support needs, disadvantage and criminal justice systems: 40 years after the Sackville Report’ in B. Edgeworth, A. Durbach & V. Sentas (eds) Law and Poverty in Australia: 40 years after the Poverty Commission, Alexandria: Federation Press, 103-118.

McCausland, R. & Baldry, E. (2017) ‘Understanding women offenders in prison’, in J. Ireland, C. Ireland, M. Fisher, & N. Gredecki (eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Psychology in Secure Settings, Oxford: Routledge, 25-39.

Baldry, E. (2014) 'Complex needs and the justice system', in C. Chamberlain, G. Johnson, & C. Robinson (eds), Homelessness in Australia: an Introduction, Sydney: UNSW Press, 196-212.

Baldry, E. & Sotiri, M. (2014) Social Work and Prisons, in S. Rice & A. Day (eds) Social Work in the Shadow of the Law, 4th ed, Alexandria: Federation Press, 80-95.

Andrews, G. & Baldry, E. (2013) 'Mental Health Frequent Presenters: who are they; case management approaches; policy and program considerations?', in D. Chappell (ed) Policing and the Mentally Ill: International Perspectives, Boca Raton USA: CRC Press, 197-218.

Baldry, E. (2013) 'Continuing systemic discrimination: Indigenous Australian women exiting prison', in M. Segrave & B. Carlton (eds) Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on Gender, Post-Release Support and Survival, Abingdon: Routledge, 98-116.

Baldry, E. & Dowse L. (2013) 'Compounding mental and cognitive disability and disadvantage: police as care managers', in D. Chappell (ed) Policing and the Mentally Ill: International Perspectives, Boca Raton USA: CRC Press, 219-234.

Carlton, B. & Baldry, E. (2013) 'From Therapeutic Correctional Spaces to ‘Transcarceral Control’: Male-Centrism, Evidence Based Orthodoxies and Women’s Post-Release Support in Australia', in M. Segrave & B. Carlton (eds) Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on Gender, Post-Release Support and Survival, Abingdon: Routledge, 56-76.

McCausland, Ruth & Eileen Baldry (2013) 'Incarcerated Indigenous Australian Mothers: Maintaining Patriarchal Colonization', in G. Eljdupovic and R. Jaremko Bromwich (eds) Incarcerated Mothers: Oppression and Resistance, Bradford UK: Demeter Press, 121-136.


McCausland, R. & Baldry, E. (2023) 'Who Does Australia Lock Up? The Social Determinants of Justice'International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 12(3): 37-53. 

McCausland, R. & Dowse, L. (2021) 'From 'at risk' to 'a risk': the criminalisation of young people with cognitive disability in residential care'Incarceration 3(2): 1-17.

Athanassiou, U., Cale, J., & Dowse, L. (2020) 'A descriptive study of sex offending among incarcerated men with low intellectual functioning: offending parameters and sex offence characteristics in adulthood'Current Issues in Criminal Justice 32(1): 76-90.

McCausland, R. & Dowse, L. (2020) 'The need for a community-led, holistic service response to Aboriginal young people with cognitive disability in remote areas: a case study'Children Australia 45(4): 326-334.

Rowe, S., Dowse, L., Newton, D., McGillvray, J., & Baldry E. (2020) 'Addressing Education, Training and Employment Supports for Prisoners with Cognitive Disability: Insights from an Australian Programme'Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability 17(1):43-50.

Baldry, E., Briggs, D.B., Goldson, B., & Russell, S. (2017) ‘Cruel and unusual punishment’: an inter-jurisdictional study of the criminalisation of young people with complex support needs'Journal of Youth Studies 21(5): 636-652  

McCausland, R. & Baldry, E. (2017) 'I feel like I failed him by ringing the police: Criminalising Disability in Australia', Punishment and Society 19(3): 290-309.

Baldry, E., McCausland, R., Dowse, L., McEntyre, E., & MacGillivray, P. (2016) ‘It’s just a big vicious cycle that swallows them up: Indigenous people with mental and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system’, Indigenous Law Bulletin 8(22):10-16.

Baldry, E., Carlton, B. & Cunneen, C. (2015) 'Abolitionism and the paradox of penal reform in Australia: colonialism, context, cultures and cooption', Social Justice Vol 41 (3): 168-189.

Lloyd, J., Delaney-Thiele, D., Abbott, P., Baldry, E., McEntyre, E., Reath J., Indig, D., Sherwood J., & Harris, M. (2015) 'The role of primary health care services to better meet the needs of Aboriginal Australians transitioning from prison to the community', BMC Family Practice 16:86.

McEntyre, E., Baldry, E., & McCausland, R. (2015) ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with mental and cognitive disability in the criminal justice system’AASW National Bulletin 25(4): 27-28.  

Trofimovs, J., & Dowse, L. (2014) 'Mental health at the intersections: The impact of complex needs on police contact and custody for Indigenous Australian men', International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37(4): 390-398.

Baldry, E. & Cunneen, C. (2014) 'Imprisoned Indigenous women and the shadow of colonial patriarchy'Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 47(2): 276-298.

Baldry, E. (2014) 'Disability at the Margins: the limits of the law'Griffith Law Review 23(3): 370-388.

MacGillivray, P., and Baldry, E. (2013) 'Indigenous Australians, mental and cognitive impairment and the criminal justice system', Indigenous Law Bulletin 8(9): 22-26.

Baldry, E., Clarence, M., Dowse, L. & Trollor, J. (2013) 'Reducing vulnerability to harm in adults with cognitive disabilities in the Australian criminal justice system' Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability 10(3):222-229.

Baldry, E. (2011) 'Navigating Complex Pathways: people with mental health disorders and cognitive disability in the criminal justice system', HIV Australia 9(1): 35,44.

Baldry, E., Brown, D., Brown, M., Cunneen, C., Schwartz, M., & Steel, A. (2011) 'Imprisoning rationalities', Australian & New Zealnd Journal of Criminology, 44(1): 24-40. 

Dowse, L., Rowe, S., Baldry, E., & Baker, M. (2021) Police Responses to People with Disability, report for Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

Martin, C., Reeve, R., McCausland, R., Baldry, E., Burton, P., White, R. & Thomas, S. (2021) Exiting prison with complex support needs: the role of housing assistance, AHURI Final Report No. 361, Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L.& Clarence, M. (2013) People with Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System – Impact of Housing NSW interventions and contacts with social housing system, report for Housing NSW.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L.& Clarence, M. (2013) People with Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System, report for NSW Family and Community Services Ageing, Disability and Home Care.

Baldry, E., McCausland, R., Dowse, R., & McEntyre, E. (2015) A Predictable and Preventable Path: Aboriginal people with mental and cognitive disability in the criminal system, Sydney: UNSW Sydney.

Baldry, E., McCausland, R., & PwC (2013) People with mental health disorders and cognitive impairment in the criminal justice system Cost-benefit analysis of early support and diversion, report for AHRC. 

Steele, L., Dowse, L., & Trofimovs, J. (2013) 'Section 32: A Report on the Human Service and Criminal Pathways of People Diagnosed with Mental Health Disorder and Cognitive Disability in the Criminal Justice System Who Have Received Orders Under the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 (NSW)', Sydney: UNSW Sydney.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L.& Clarence, M. (2012) Mental Health Frequent Presenters to Police, report for NSW Police; ISBN:978-0-9873593-0-8. 

Baldry, E., Dowse, L.& Clarence, M. (2012) People with intellectual and other cognitive disability in the criminal justice system, report for NSW Family and Community Services Ageing, Disability and Home Care.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., McCausland, R. and Clarence, M. (2012) Lifecourse institutional costs of homelessness for vulnerable groups, report for FaHCSIA, funded by FaHCSIA Homelessness study grant; ISBN 978-0-9873593-1-5.

Baldry, E. Dowse, L., & Clarence, M. (2011) People with intellectual and other cognitive disability in the criminal justice system, Sydney: UNSW Sydney.

Baldry, E, Dowse, L. & Clarence, M. (2011) Mental Health Frequent Presenters to Emergency and Mental Health Services in 2005 – Stage 1 Final Report, Sydney: UNSW Sydney.

Fisher, D., Clarence, M., Dowse, L., & Baldry, E. (2011) People with problematic alcohol use, mental health disorders and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system: Cohort Report, Canberra: Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.

Fisher, D., Clarence, M. Dowse, L., Baldry, E., & McCausland, R. (2011) Protocol and Training Resource: researching people with complex needs using data linkage, Canberra: Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., & Clarence, M. (2010) Lifecourse Pathways for People with Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disability into the Criminal Justice System: Background paper, report for Australasian Juvenile Justice Administrators.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., & Clarence, M., Mental Health Frequent Presenters to NSW Police Force in 2005: Police Data.

Baldry, E. (2013) Pathways from School to Prison: Intellectual disability, mental health and school education, Forum on Intellectual Disability, Mental Health and School Education.

Baldry, E. (2013) Pathways into and avenues out of criminal justice for young people wth cognitive and mental impairments, NSW Department of Juvenile Justice Summit.

Baldry, E. (2013) Complex Needs, ACT Government Executive.

Baldry, E. (2012) Complex Needs, Institute of Criminology Complex Needs Conference. 

MacGillivray, P. (2011) Indigenous Australians with Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System: the IAMHDCD Project, Indigenous Sentencing, Punishment and Healing Symposium. 

McEntyre, E. (2011) Aboriginal Australian Women with Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System, NSW Aboriginal Mental Health Workers Forum.

Baldry, E. & Dowse, L. (2012) Keynote Complex Needs, Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney: Tackling Complex Needs - an inter-disciplinary exploration.

Baldry, E. (2012) Pathways into and avenues out of criminal justice for young people with cognitive and mental disabilities, Juvenile Justice NSW Field Staff Conference Metropolitan Region.

Baldry, E. (2012) Women, Disability, the State and the Criminal Justice System, ANZ Critical Criminology Conference.

Baldry, E., Dowse L., Clarence, M., & Snoyman, P. (2012) Pathways into prison and post-release: marginal exclusionary life spaces and the effects of compouding disadvantages, disabilities and drug use, NSW Community Corrections Conference.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., Clarence, M., & Snoyman, P. (2012) Understanding the Pathways and compounding effects of disadvantage for persons with MHDCD in Criminal Justice System, ANZAPPL Conference.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., Clarence, M., & Snoyman, P. (2012) People with Mental Health Disorders and Cognitive Disability (MHDCD) in Human and Criminal Justice Systems (CJS) – care or control?, AADDM Conference.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., & Clarence, M. (2011) People with Mental Health and Cognitive Disability: pathways into and out of the criminal justice system, keynote presentation, Reintegration Puzzle Conference.

Baldry, E., Dowse, L., Clarence, M., & Snoyman, P. (2011) People with Mental Health and Cognitive Disability in the CJS: Social Justice and Human Rights, DHS Annual Zone Corrective Services Contacts Conference.

Baldry, E. (2011)Whatever Happened to Throughcare? Support and Integration, Legal Aid Practice Conference.

Baldry, E. (2011) Homelessness and the Criminal Justice System, keynote presentation, AHI Homeless Persons’ Week Forum. 

Baldry, E. (2011) People with mental and cognitive disabilities: pathways into prison, Legal Aid National Conference.

Baldry, E. (2011) Background Paper, Australian Correctional Leadership Program.

Baldry, E. (2011) People with mental and cognitive disabilities: pathways into prison, International Congress of Law and Mental Health (IALMH).

Dowse, L. (2011) Understanding and responding to complex needs: people with mental health and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system, Working Within the Forensic Paradigm: Prato Conference.

Dowse, L. (2011) Understanding and responding to complex needs: people with mental health and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system, ACSO 6th Forensic Disabilities Conference.

Dowse, L. (2011) Keynote Presentation, St Vincent’s Urban Mental Health Lifecourse 2nd International Conference.

Dowse, L. (2011) Indigenous Australians with Disability in the Criminal Justice System: conditions and challenges, Disability and the Majority World Conference: Towards a Global Disability Studies 1st Annual International Conference.

Baldry, E. & Dowse, L. (2012) Background Paper: Outlaws to Inclusion Conference.

Baldry, E. (2023) Who does Australia Lock Up?Seriously Social podcast 26 September 2023. 

McCausland, R. & Baldry, E. (2023) The Social Determinants of JusticeThe Conversation 17 April 2023.

Baldry, E. & McGee, P. (2021) Over 1000 Australians with cognitive disability are detained indefinitely each yearThe Conversation 17 February 2021.

Baldry, E. (2020) Jailing is failing: why Sydney doesn’t need a new prisonThe Sydney Morning Herald 30 December 2020.

Baldry, E. (2016) ‘Predictable and Preventable’, Ockham’s Razor, ABC Radio National 17 April 2016.  

McCausland, R., Baldry, E., & McEntyre, E. (2015) Aboriginal people with disabilities get caught in a spiral of over-policingThe Conversation 4 November 2015.

Baldry, E., McEntyre, E., & McCausland, R. (2015) Why Aboriginal people with disabilities crowd Australia's prisonsThe Conversation 2 November 2015.

McEntyre, E. (2015) How Aboriginal women with disabilities are set on a path into the criminal justice systemThe Conversation 2 November 2015.

Baldry, E. (2013) MHDCD in the CJS, NADA News.

Baldry, E. (2013) Disabling Justice,VCOSS News Insight Issue 8, 26-28.

Baldry, E. (2012) Enabling or Disabling: Imprisoning People with Mental and Cognitive DisabilityRight Now 155 February 2012.

Baldry, E. & McEntyre, E. (2011) Prison Bars are Health Barriers, O&G Magazine 13(3):52-53.

Baldry, E. & Dowse, L. (2006) ‘People with mental health disorders in the criminal justice system’, New Paradigm June 2006, 9-21.

IAMHDCD Project Newsletter No. 1